Become a Member


Once you’ve completed the Ozone Shock Technician training course, we highly recommend becoming a member of O3 Canada.


Members of O3 Canada receive many benefits:


  Membership Seal

Each member gets a seal of certification to display on their companies site. This seal verifies they are a qualified member of O3 Canada.

♦  Featured Listing

Members are listed in our Find a Technician section. Potential clients will be directed to your listing when they search for technicians in the area you service.

♦  Customized E-mail

Each member is given their own e-mail address,

♦  Priority Access

Members are notified when new equipment is available and are given priority access as soon as it’s released.


Becoming a member only takes a few minutes. Once enrollment is complete, you’ll have full access to all of the benefits of membership.


CONTACT US to become a member today.

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O3Canada is a company dedicated to Ozone Shock Treatment, a revolutionary odor elimination system that employs natural oxygen to eradicate odours from almost any surface.

Whether it's in your home, business or vehicle, nobody enjoys foul odors. We have your solution to cleaner air!

Main Office

3505 - 42A Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6L 4C6

Fax: 780-758-6785